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Our Work

Welcome to the Mountainside Parent and Community Team (MPACT)

Our mission is to enrich the high school experience for our students, families, and staff here at Mountainside. With generous donations from individuals and businesses, we provide many different programs and activities.


MPACT Scholarships

MPACT celebrated our "first ever" graduating classes in 2020 and 2021 by awarding $5000 in total scholarships each year to graduating seniors to pursue further education or training. These Scholarships are funded from direct donations from our community and select fundraising events. Each year, a Scholarship committee oversees the awarding of these funds. With your generous donations, we can assure these awards continue into the future!

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MPACT Grants

MPACT Grants are one-time monetary grants for teachers, students, clubs and activities to support special projects at Mountainside. Grants are awarded based on impact to the overall student body and are reviewed by the MPACT Board.  Past Grants include:  athletic equipment, guitars for the student center, cultural assemblies and events, startup funds for student projects and clubs, aid to families in need, Special Education events, and more.


Teacher / Staff Appreciation

MPACT celebrates our amazing teachers and staff at Mountainside in various ways throughout the year. Traditionally, this includes a luncheon and activities during Appreciation Week in May. Teaming up with the Principal, we also provide small gifts, awards, remembrances and other appreciation items to our Mountainside family of teachers and staff.

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Support for our Community

Mountainside is a diverse community with varying needs in our student population. MPACT works with several outreach areas in our school and district to support our families experiencing challenges for housing, food and support.  We are committed to supporting student-involved programs like Leadership, Community Service, Club Hope, Monte's Closet,  and other student-run projects to advocate for a better community and support for those in need.


Services for our School

We launched a brand new school in 2017 and started from scratch for many of the typical High School services.  We furnished and now operate two concession stands to serve fans at indoor and outdoor sports events. We design and purchase Spirit Gear for sale to our community each year. We manage the Volunteer system for Mountainside  and provide non-profit fundraising capabilities for teams and clubs within our school. We support school activites and programs to reduce costs for students so that more students have the opportunity to participate. We act as another layer of communication to our Mountainside parents and work with the local business community to discover opportunities to provide additional resources.

12500 SW 175th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97007



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